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Backwater justice Book
Book | Kensington Publishing Corp., New York, NY : 2024.

  • 7 of 9 Copies Available at Libraries in Niagara Cooperative
  • 0 current holds with 9 total copies.
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Branch Call Number Location Holdable? Status
Centennial FIC MICHA 2024 Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Checked out
Grimsby Fic Mic Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Niagara-on-the-Lake FIC MICHA Fiction - New Copy hold / Volume hold Checked out
Port Colborne FIC MICHA Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Rittenhouse - Vineland FIC Micha 2024 New Book Copy hold / Volume hold Reshelving
Smithville ADU FIC MIC Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Thorold FIC MICHA Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Wainfleet FIC Micha Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Welland Main FIC Micha Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available

The small Oregon town of Mountain Valley seems like the perfect place to safely raise a family, away from the dangers of the big city. Vanessa's parents think so, until the day their fourteen-year-old daughter doesn't come home for dinner. They call her cell. Straight to voice mail. They call her friends. Nothing. An attendant at the local gas station mentions seeing a girl fitting Vanessa's description getting into a pick-up truck that he thinks belongs to one of the Spanglers. Everyone knows the Spanglers the richest, most influential family for miles around. Patriarch Milton Spangler offers a $50,000 reward, determined to quash any notion that his family might be involved. But as search parties fail to yield any clues, another young woman goes missing. Are these simply disillusioned runaways? Or does the Spangler family have something to hide? Myra Rutledge has honed her instincts over scores of missions, and the news stories about missing young women set her internal alarms ringing, especially when it involved her old friend, Milton Spangler. She shares her concerns with other women of the Sisterhood, and they agree to look into the goings-on in Mountain Valley. But a small town like this can have deep secrets, especially when one family holds so much power.

  • ISBN: 9781496749949 (hardcover)
  • Physical Description: 293 pages ; 22 cm.
  • Publisher: New York, NY : Kensington Publishing Corp., 2024.

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