Follows five young Mexican-American caddies in 1955 who, fueled by their passion for golf, defy the odds by creating their own course in the South Texas desert. Despite facing outdated equipment and a lack of professional instruction, they triumph over wealthier, all-white teams to win the 1957 Texas State High School Golf Championship.
Physical Description:1 videodisc (113 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Publisher:Universal City, CA :Universal,[2024]
General Note:
Title from web page.
Based on the novel "Mustang miracle" by Humberto G. Garcia.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2023.
Wide screen (16:9, 2.00:1).
Creation/Production Credits Note:
Music by Hanan Townshend ; edited by James K. Crouch ; director of photography, Alex Quintana.
Participant or Performer Note:
Dennis Quaid, Jay Hernandez, Gillian Vigman, Julian Works, Jaina Lee Ortiz, Brett Cullen, Oscar Nunez.
Target Audience Note:
MPAA rating: PG; language, racial slurs, thematic material, some violence and brief rude material.