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Becoming bionic, and other ways science is making us super Book
Book | Owlkids Books, Toronto, ON : [2023]

  • 12 of 12 Copies Available at Libraries in Niagara Cooperative
  • 0 current holds with 12 total copies.
Place Hold
Branch Call Number Location Holdable? Status
Centennial SCIENCE TECH J CAMLO 2023 Science & Technology - Technology Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Crystal Ridge SCIENCE TECH J CAMLO 2023 Science & Technology - Technology Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Fleming - Beamsville J 303.483 Cam Children - Non-Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Grimsby J 303.483 Cam Children - Non-Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Niagara-on-the-Lake 6489 CAM Children Social Studies Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Port Colborne J303.483 CAM Children - Non-Fiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Smithville J 303.48 CAM Nonfiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Stevensville SCIENCE TECH J CAMLO 2023 Science & Technology - Technology Copy hold / Volume hold Available
Stevensville SCIENCE TECH J CAMLO 2023 Science & Technology - Technology Copy hold Available
Thorold J 303.48 CAMLO Children - Nonfiction Copy hold / Volume hold Available

"Who hasn't wished for a superpower? Maybe it's to be able to regenerate like Wolverine, or fly like Shazam? How about the ability to turn invisible like Violet Parr, or have superstrength like the Hulk? What about being able to control minds like the Scarlet Witch, or even be immortal like Klaus Hargreeves? Well, grab your cape and tights, because scientists are working to replicate many of the superpowers we see in comics and movies and on television. Some are already a reality! Using popular superheroes and their powers as a starting point for imagining what could be, Becoming Bionic explores how science is constantly searching for and discovering new ways to augment the human body and the human experience. Becoming Bionic covers six aspects of superhero performance: Super Parts, Super Flight, Super Sight, Super Strength, Super Brains, and Super Survival. In each section, an illustrated timeline takes readers back in time for a fascinating look at inventions of the past. For example, in the Super Parts section, we begin with the Cairo Toe, a jointed prosthetic big toe that dates all the way back to 950-710 BCE, and end at 2012 when scientists built a "bionic man" out of 27 engineered parts. In the second spread of each section, readers zip ahead to read about some of today's amazing science that is already in use. In the Super Sight section, for example, we learn about a technology that uses radio signals to "see" through walls and can be used to uncover earthquake victims. A final spread blasts readers forward to find out what the future might have in store, such as the crustacean-inspired exoskeletons that give wearers extra strength with the help of artificial muscles that are described in the Super Strength section. Finally the book concludes with some bigger picture thoughts and questions that prompt readers to think critically about the innovations they've just read about -- should science abide by a moral code and who determines what that is?"--

  • ISBN: 9781771474610
  • Physical Description: 56 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
  • Publisher: Toronto, ON : Owlkids Books, [2023]
  • Bibliography, etc. Note:
    Includes bibliographical references.

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